Monday, October 01, 2007

Gummi Bears

Does anyone remember this? I think this was my favorite Saturday cartoon!!! I even tried to make gummy bear juice once, it just went bad.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you should update this blog more often...

people enjoy reading it.
i know i do.

how have you been anyway?
getting cold in CO?


Tim and Amy said...

ok who's anonymous?

Tim and Amy said...

nice try Amy

sPAtzLeEaTerS said...

mmmmmm gummy bears. sucks you won't be here for christmas. I found a real scorpion made into a belt buckle. I know it't going to be the coveted white elephant this year; way better that dinner for two to Chuck-A- Rama like last year.

Paola said...

HEY! I never did watch this. But I have a few old shows that will tak you down memory lane:
-Reading Rainbow
-The Bloodhound Gang
-Fraggle Rock
-CARE Bears
-Rainbow something (a bunch of little doll girls that had rainbow powers)
-Duck Tails
Now on to old movies:
-Wizard (remember...Califooorniaa)
-Short Circut!